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You know that old chestnut?

I know something we hate the most but still do anyway. It’s OVERTHINKING.

That thing where we jump to the very worst conclusions possible or spend hours on end worrying about something that hasn’t even happened yet…. and more than likely, it probably won’t even happen.

Ladies, what you think, you act.

Our behaviours reflect how we are feeling on the inside.

Have YOU been judging yourself, trialing yourself, punishing yourself and sending yourself to your mental jail? Do you torture and torment yourself with your thoughts?

⁠I know I get in my own way and judge myself at times. Sometimes way too harshly sending me into a spiral of shame and guilt, berating myself. ⁠

⁠⁠??‍♀️For what purpose do we do this though? It sure doesn’t feel good. Why do we do it to ourselves when we know it doesn’t feel good or make us happy? I know I don’t want to feel like that. EVER. ⁠

⁠We are our own worst enemy. BUT, we don’t have to be, we don’t need to be. Learning to give ourselves permission to make mistakes and learn from our misguided choices is the biggest lesson to learn from our own judgement. ⁠

If you find yourself coming back to the thoughts – use the tool I love…

“What’s in my circle of control?”

Sometimes we tend to get caught up in thoughts and worries that aren’t in our control. When we look at the now and what’s in our “circle of control” we can discount thoughts and worries more easily.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

“I’m scared of repeating the same mistakes”

“Maybe there’s something wrong with me?”

“I don’t deserve…”

“My ex-partner told me I was unlovable”

These destructive thoughts are why we end up putting others before ourselves, not taking action on what we know will help us, and we seek the approval of others before making decisions and even seeking validation for our own actions.

Today I invite you to tell yourself loving thoughts that make you feel amazing and self-assured and confident in your actions.⁠⠀⠀

Celebrate your wins ? and thank the universe!

What are your thoughts and actions reflecting today?⠀

Are you ready to break through the limiting beliefs holding you back?

It is possible to break through those limiting beliefs.

It’s possible for you to not go back into old patterns of thinking that got you stuck in the first place.

You just need to know how! I can help. I also know first hand how stuck you can get in this cycle. Yep!

I can support you to dispel those limiting beliefs and not feel trapped anymore with actions and decisions you make for yourself.

You are stronger than you think ?.

Do you want to get those emotional eruptions under control or eliminate them altogether?

Book a counselling session right now. 

You can also click here to JOIN MY FB GROUP to get your community of strong support.

Feel free to reach out to me directly via DM on Instagram @KyssandaRobinson.

Remember, you’re not alone.

Let’s speak soon.

Much love,


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