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Are you confident or do you have high self-esteem?

This may sound tricky and it is!

Confidence is where you’re IN YOUR ZONE. You’re sure of your ability, and your skills. That’s what self-confidence is about.

While self-esteem is how YOU value yourself. It’s not about certain skill sets or certain abilities.

Instead, it’s about how you feel about yourself, where you put and position yourself, and more importantly how you VIEW yourself.

Confidence grows from self-esteem.

When you have a strong awareness of who TF you are, you will get yourself together and show confidence. It’s an aura that you can’t really control. It comes from within and it can only glow when you get rid of the emotional blocks that are bringing you down.


These blocks will suppress your ability to build your self-esteem and be confident.

Are you tired of feeling anxious and worried all the time? Do you wish you can be SURE of the decisions you’re making and feel GREAT about yourself?

I can support you to dispel those emotional blocks. To stop regretting your past, and start paving your future.

You are stronger than you think ? and you are meant to do something GREAT.

Book a call right now.

Do you want to get that confidence and self-esteem?

Book a counselling session right now. 

You can also click here to JOIN MY FB GROUP to get your community of strong support.

Feel free to reach out to me directly via DM on Instagram @KyssandaRobinson.

Remember, you’re not alone.

Let’s speak soon.

Much love,


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