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How many times have you experienced anxiety in your entire life?
Honestly? I actually didn’t even realise I was experiencing anxiety when I was.

Ladies, the root of anxiety is trauma. It’s fear. It’s our past, present, and future worries.

Our hidden traumas are there silently lurking and sneaking around waiting for the right time to attack you, and you don’t even know it! And… it lies to you, every time.

Today I’m sharing with you the 4 signs that YOU are experiencing anxiety and 3 mindset shifts for you to overcome it head-on! This is what I did, and that’s what made me the strong and fierce woman I am today!

You have a hard time expressing your true feelings/emotions.

Does saying ‘I’m okay’ or ‘I’m fine’, all the time feel like the right thing to do? You feel that showing your emotions or expressing how you truly feel, would make you vulnerable.

You feel lonely even when you’re not alone.

This is a BIG sign that you’re going through social anxiety, and everybody goes through it at least once in their life… BUT you should never let it stay that way or it will lead to more isolation and repression.

Frequent meltdowns and panicking.

There are many types of ways we experience anxiety, and you may feel this one if you’re constantly rushed and going through busy routines. You find yourself triggered by the slightest thing, constantly transitioning from one emotion to the other and feeling irritated because you may even be unsure of what you actually want! Or, you burst into an angry ‘Snappy Tom’ and have no idea how or why that happened. Your emotions are erupting and you’re thinking WTF!

Sleep disturbances.

To wrap up the four top anxiety experiences, sleep disturbances are one of the most impactful symptoms. It affects your whole day, and you wake up experiencing all the 3 signs above. You’re constantly worrying and overthinking. You feel uneasy, and the sun is up before you know it or you have your pills next to your bed like gummy bears.

Do you feel called out? If so, that’s the SOLID sign that you are experiencing anxiety symptoms.

Ladies, I know how it can feel too hard to TURN your life around. I’ve been there. It took time, but I started planting these 3 mindsets to rewire and reprogram my thoughts and trauma symptoms and it OPENED doors I never knew existed before!

Set Boundaries Around Everything 

Boundaries are important in every aspect of life. Family, friends, relationships, work.

Ask yourself. ‘Does this serve me or am I people-pleasing and for what purpose?’

Learn to Say NO

Following on from boundaries, if you didn’t set them and say no, you’d end up doing what everyone else wanted and be miserable about it.

Come From A Place of Love

When you come from a place of love, fear doesn’t creep in. There is no fear where love is. You would find yourself starting to respond instead of reacting and be curious to understand instead of jumping straight to the defensive.

Untreated anxiety can put not only your mental health but your physical health into a downward spiral. It will affect your work life, home life, social life, and hinder your path to success. It can also lead you to unhealthy outlets and coping mechanisms like substance abuse, self harm, eating disorders, and many more which are even harder to come back from.

IT IS OKAY to get help and it is okay to reach out for support. What’s not okay is to underestimate your anxiety and think you DON’T need help.

If you said yes to any of the signs above, I want to offer you a FREE 30 minutes 1:1 coaching session. I want you to overcome this anxiety, even if it takes time, and unveil the undermined potential within you. SUCCESS is your birthright, and anxiety shouldn’t stand in your way,


If you’re not ready to reach out to me directly, I have a community of women that are there for each other and catching each other’s backs.

You can simply click here to JOIN MY FB GROUP where I’ll be introducing you to successful women that have, is, and will be overcoming their traumas and emotional blocks.

I’ll be reaching out to you every week to share various insights, exercises, and useful tips to help you with your daily well-being challenges. So make sure you check your inbox and connect with me on Instagram or Facebook to have a chat and connect with me personally!

In addition, you can send me a DM on Instagram @KyssandaRobinson with ‘GLITTER’ as a title and let me know what’s bothering you and talk to me directly!

Remember, you’re not alone.

Let’s speak soon.

Much love,


*P.s. there are so many ways to be subtle about asking for help. Send out signals to me by sending a message via Instagram DM and I will get back to you ASAP!

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