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When was the last time you asked yourself this question?

This is a question that you would ask someone you care for. Sadly, we often don’t care for ourselves as much as we should.

The definition of “Happiness” is relative, and it is unique to everyone’s desires.

But truly, it takes courage and confidence to say “I’m happy,” and many of us don’t have that confidence.

Confidence stems from self-esteem.

When we feel good about ourselves on the inside, confidence blooms. The biggest confidence destroyer is comparing yourself to others or someone else in particular.⁠⁠

You may see someone who is always smiling and chatty,  they are always talking about where they have been or where they are going? They look good, people are always seeking them out and they don’t appear fazed by anything…. and what happens when you compare yourself to them…. ⁠

⁠I need to smile more, I need to talk more, I need to be more outgoing, I should go out more, I should do more things, I should be happy like them.⁠
?Key words… need and should. ⁠

You don’t need to be anything other than you and you should not have to do anything you don’t want to or think you should do. ⁠

⁠⁠You might even think, “this isn’t the right time to be happy.” Distractions, pain, trauma, broken relationships with family/friends…

LISTEN UP. You can be happy, hurting, AND healing at the same time. It’s okay to feel many different emotions at the same time. For you to heal, you must allow yourself to feel and understand that everything takes time.

You deserve to be happy in the midst of all the things going on in your life!

You are busy, sassy and on a mission juggling all the things.

And yet, there’s something inside that’s missing.

I invite you to reflect and ask yourself, am I living in my zone of “good enough” and not in the zone of HOLY SHIT this is amazing?

If it’s the latter, YESSSS, AMAZING!

But, if you are in the ‘good enough’ space, the complain and compare to others zone…you may not really be living your life to its fullest potential.

When will you?

Why not now?

Let’s discuss what your life and/or what your biz could look like if you finally gave yourself the support you need to be “all-in” on YOU!

Do you want to get those emotional eruptions under control or eliminate them altogether?

Book a counselling session right now. 

You can also click here to JOIN MY FB GROUP to get your community of strong support.

Feel free to reach out to me directly via DM on Instagram @KyssandaRobinson.

Remember, you’re not alone.

Let’s speak soon.

Much love,


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